What is the Difference Between Homicide and Murder?

ene 10, 2024 Criminal Defense
What is the Difference Between Homicide and Murder?

Homicide and murder are both crimes that involve the death of another person, but they have different meanings and legal implications. Homicide describes any killing, including manslaughter and justifiable killings such as those done in self-defense or those done by law enforcement officers.

Murder is a more specific term for the intentional illegal killing of another person without justification or excuse. The legal distinction between homicide and murder has to do with the intent of the person committing the act.

The distinction between homicide and murder is important in determining the severity of criminal charges and punishment. Homicide charges usually carry less severe penalties than murder, especially if it can be proven that there was no intent to kill.

If you are charged with homicide or murder, Touma Law Group's Greenville criminal defense attorneys can help you. Call our firm at (864) 618-2323 to schedule a free consultation.

What is Homicide?

In legal terminology, homicide and murder are different. Homicide refers to the wrongful killing of one person by another and includes various criminal offenses and crimes against a person.

In rare cases, self-defense can be invoked to prevent criminal liability. However, determining self-defense can be complex and requires legal expertise. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a competent criminal lawyer if faced with such a situation. Self-defense cases involve careful examination of evidence and legal judgment.

a gavel on a judge's desk

Hiring experienced criminal defense attorneys is crucial to protecting one's interests and rights. When accused of homicide, contacting reputable legal professionals promptly is a top priority to ensure compliance with legal regulations.

What is Murder?

Murder is a serious crime with severe civil punishments in the US. It involves taking human life without justified cause or provocation. Different laws punish this type of homicide in various ways.

In some places, the perpetrator could face the death penalty. Others may be sentenced to long periods in jail or life in prison depending on circumstances.

Those accused of murder should seek legal advice to protect their rights and ensure a fair trial. It's important to have a qualified attorney familiar with the legal system to navigate the process.

Types of Homicide Charges

Homicide is the act of one person killing another. Murder is a specific type of homicide that is premeditated and intentional, meaning it is done with planning and intent. There are several types of homicide charges, including vehicular and reckless homicide.

Unlawful Killing

Unlawful killing is the term used to describe any killing that is not authorized by law. This term encompasses both homicide and murder, which are two closely related concepts.

Vehicular Manslaughter

A vehicular manslaughter is a form of homicide that occurs when a person causes the death of another person due to negligent or reckless driving. It is considered a lesser offense than murder, which involves the premeditated killing of another person.

The key distinction between murder and vehicular manslaughter and murder is the element of intent. With vehicular manslaughter, the driver has not deliberately set out to kill someone; the death happened through negligence or recklessness.

Voluntary Manslaughter

Voluntary manslaughter is a type of homicide that is considered less serious than murder. It occurs when someone kills another person in the heat of the moment due to provocation or other extenuating circumstances.

Unlike murder, which implies premeditation and malice aforethought, voluntary manslaughter generally involves an unexpected act that results in death. For example, if an altercation leads to a reasonable person killing another person in a fit of rage, it would be considered voluntary manslaughter.

Involuntary Manslaughter

Involuntary manslaughter is a form of criminal homicide that occurs when a person unintentionally kills another person without intending to do so. It is differentiated from voluntary manslaughter or murder in that it involves no malice aforethought and does not require the presence of intent to kill. In some jurisdictions, this type of crime may be referred to as criminally negligent homicide.

head attorney Adam Touma

Involuntary manslaughter typically results from careless behavior, reckless actions, or a gross disregard for the safety of others leading to an accidental death. An example of involuntary manslaughter is if a person was operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and caused an accident that resulted in someone’s death.

Degrees of Murder Charges

Homicide and murder are both crimes that involve the killing of another person, but there is a distinction in terms of the severity of each offense.

Homicide is generally defined as the killing of one person by another, whereas murder refers to an unlawful or unjustified killing with a specific intent to cause harm or death.

This distinction can be further broken down into various degrees which determine the severity of the punishment. In the U.S., there are typically three degrees of murder: first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree murder.

First-Degree Murder

First-degree murder is the most serious form of homicide. It describes the intentional and premeditated killing of another person with malice. In other words, the perpetrator planned and thought about committing the crime before taking action.

This means that first-degree murder charges require a certain level of malicious intent to be present for it to be considered a crime. This severe crime is usually punished more severely than other forms of homicide because of the level of premeditation involved.

Second-Degree Murder

Second-degree murder charges are a type of homicide that involves an intentional killing but without premeditation or malice aforethought. It is distinguished from first-degree murder in that the perpetrator did not plan or intend to kill the victim beforehand.

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Rather, second-degree murder arises from a situation where some sudden provocation or heat of passion causes the perpetrator to commit an impulsive act of violence. Examples of second-degree murder include killing in the heat of an argument or while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Third-Degree Murder

Third-degree murder is a type of homicide that occurs without prior intent or malice. It is not considered to be as serious as first or second-degree murder and generally carries less severe penalties than those associated with other types of homicides.

The main difference between third-degree murder and first or second-degree murder is that third-degree does not involve premeditation or deliberation. Generally, this means that the homicide was not planned and was done on impulse. It is also referred to as manslaughter or negligent homicide depending on the jurisdiction.

Felony Murder Rule

The Felony Murder Rule is a legal doctrine that allows someone to be held responsible for the death of another if they are involved in the commission of a felony. This means that even if someone did not intend to cause the death of another, they can still be charged with murder in some cases.

The primary difference between homicide and murder is intent. Homicide is defined as the killing of one person by another, while murder is an unlawful or unjustified killing with a specific intent to cause harm or death.

a gavel and touch screens in a court room

While homicide can include murder, it also includes other types of unintentional killings such as involuntary manslaughter and third-degree murder.

Capital Murder

Capital murder is the highest level of homicide that can be charged. It is a premeditated killing or a killing during the commission of certain felonies, such as rape or kidnapping. This type of murder carries the most severe penalties and is often punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty.

The main difference between capital murder and other types of homicides is intent. For an act to be considered capital murder, it must have been done with the specific intent to kill.

Call Touma Law Today for More Information about Your Case!

If you have been charged with homicide or murder, it is important to understand the wide range of differences between the two, how they are treated under the law, and the potential penalties.

Homicide is the taking of another person’s life without justification or excuse, whereas murder is a subset of homicide that involves premeditated intent and malice aforethought. In some states, manslaughter is also considered a form of homicide but differs from murder in that it does not require intent to kill.

Contact Touma Law today at (864) 618-2323 for more information about your case and the potential harsh penalties you may be facing.

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