What is SR-22 Insurance?

jul 19, 2024 DUI
insurance forms, pens, and glasses on a desk

States may require SR-22 insurance for license suspensions, traffic offenses, and high-risk drivers. So, what is SR-22 insurance? SR-22 insurance is linked to an existing auto insurance policy and proves minimum liability coverage.SR-22 car insurance is required for drivers who need to prove financial responsibility.

Applying for SR-22 involves filling out a simple SR-22 form with an insurance agent. The cost of SR-22 insurance premiums is higher due to increased risk. SR-22 drivers must maintain the policy for the period outlined by their state, typically three years. If SR-22 drivers don't follow the rules and maintain a clean driving record they may face penalties like license suspension.

SR-22 insurance typically comes hand in hand with a DUI conviction. For more information on your DUI charge, contact an experienced DUI defense lawyer at Touma Law Group today for a free consultation!

When Do You Need to Get SR-22 Insurance?

An SR-22 certificate from an auto insurance company is a proof of financial responsibility form that drivers with high-risk violations must file in most cases. Common reasons include DUIs or DWIs and driving with a suspended or revoked license during an allocated time frame. If someone is charged with multiple traffic violations or severe violations such as reckless driving, an SR-22 may be required by the court or even their state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It is important to follow the rules and minimum requirements set forth and any notifications sent concerning requirements regarding filing an SR-22.

It is equally important to remember that not all at-fault accident drivers are required to file an SR-22 and that each state has its specific requirements. That said, if you have one or more of the aforementioned violations on your recent driving record, you will likely need to file for an SR-22.

Keep in mind, though, that typically only courts and DMV can determine who needs to get an SR-22 insurance form document – no other organizations offer advice on the matter.

Types of Coverage

SR-22 insurance is a document that certain states require from high-risk drivers, proving they have sufficient coverage and meet the minimum insurance requirements. It's needed after major violations like DUI/DWI or reckless driving.

There are two types of SR-22 insurance:

Owner’s SR-22:

SR-22 auto insurance is necessary for drivers who have been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol or another serious offense and own their vehicle. The insurance company files the form with the state motor vehicle department and it shows proof that the driver has at least the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by law.

insurance forms next to a keyboard

Operator’s SR-22:

Non-owner SR-22 insurance is required when the driver does not own their vehicle but needs to show proof of coverage for a car they are driving that belongs to someone else (non-owner car insurance). The non-owner policy form is filed with the state DMV and it shows that the driver has at least the minimum insurance coverage requirements mandated by law.

The Benefits of SR-22 Insurance

High-risk drivers can benefit from SR-22 insurance policies to regain driving privileges and accountability. It protects other motorists from dangerous drivers and proves financial responsibility for accidents caused by the driver. SR-22 insurance also offers legal property damage liability protection and helps avoid costly fines and jail time for driving offenses. Filing an SR-22 form demonstrates financial responsibility and coverage for others on the road.

Non-Owner SR-22 Insurance

Non-owner SR-22 proof of insurance is a type of financial responsibility filing that provides proof of liability coverage to the state. It is usually required when a person needs to reinstate their driver's license after being caught driving without insurance or having multiple traffic violations on their record.

It can also be used when someone wishes to obtain a new license, as proof of financial responsibility after a policy lapse. Non-owner SR-22 insurance is not comprehensive insurance as it does not provide any bodily injury liability coverage for the individual who is filing it, only to other drivers in the event of an accident.

Owner’s SR-22 Insurance

Owner’s SR-22 insurance, also known as a Certificate of Financial Responsibility (CFR), is required by most states for certain drivers who have been deemed to be high-risk. This type of auto insurance premium is not the same as regular car insurance — insurance cost rates are typically more expensive and have more restrictions.

It is often required after someone has been convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) or when they have multiple major driving infractions. The form is filed with the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles and it shows that the driver has the minimum amount of liability coverage required by law.

How to Obtain an SR-22 Filing

Drivers who have been convicted of serious traffic violations, had their license suspended or revoked, or were involved in certain types of accidents need an SR-22 filing proof of insurance. This proof of insurance document proves their financial responsibility and car insurance minimum coverage requirements.

To get an SR-22 filing, drivers must contact their car insurance provider and provide additional documentation. After completing the paperwork, it must be submitted for approval by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Once approved, the driver can resume driving with proof of financial responsibility.

What Happens if You Fail to Maintain Coverage with an SR-22 On File?

If you fail to maintain coverage with an SR-22 on file, your insurance company is required to notify the state. Depending on the state, your license could be suspended or revoked if you fail to maintain SR-22 coverage.

a model car and insurance paperwork on a desk

Your insurance company may also cancel your policy and issue a nonrenewal notice of the policy, which means that you will have to find another insurer who is willing to provide a policy with the SR-22 requirement.

Cost of SR-22 Insurance

An SR-22 is insurance issued by auto insurers required by states in certain situations. It proves that an individual or business has the minimum levels of liability insurance required by the state. SR-22 insurance rates depend on the auto insurance provider coverage and driver safety record. Some agencies may charge extra for filing the certificate included in the policy.

To obtain the cheapest rates and affordable SR-22 insurance quotes, it is recommended to reach out to major insurance providers for coverage options and competitive pricing.

Drunk driving offenders need to be aware that cancellation of SR-22 insurance necessitates an additional filing period fee while insurance policy coverage lapses or delayed payments may result in re-filing fees.

Contact an Experienced DUI Lawyer Today!

If you have been charged with driving under the influence, one of the first steps you should take is to contact an experienced DUI lawyer at Touma Law Group. A DUI attorney at our firm will be able to advise you on your legal options and help guide you through the court process. One issue that often arises in the aftermath of a DUI charge is the need for SR-22 minimum liability coverage insurance.

SR-22 policy insurance, also known as the Certificate of Financial Responsibility, is an insurance document that must be submitted to the state to prove that you have sufficient liability coverage. At Touma Law Group, a knowledgeable DUI attorney can guide the appropriate SR-22 filing required for your circumstances and assist with obtaining it.

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